The Best Things Take Time To Develop.
Problem: People are used to everything being done and updated in an instant and are lacking patience.
Solution: We remind people that the developing of a Polaroid is part of its magic.
Execution: A pop-up event that reminds people that the development is part of the fun through digital photos that develop larger than life.
At Grand Central Station in New York City, Polaroid would set up a special pop-up.
At Grand Central Station in New York City, Polaroid would set up a special pop-up experience.
Utilizing Screens and photo stations, people would be able to take polaroid photos and have them displayed on the big screens.
The twist is that the Polaroid photos in their hands and the one on the screen will develop at the same rate. Participants then get to revel in anticipation and excitement as their final photo is revealed to them.
The photos themselves would be taken at designated photo stations with backdrops and props to inspire imagination and encourage creativity. The photo negatives would eject and be displayed with an iconic Polaroid white frame customized for this occasion.
The Custom Polaroid Frames
Polaroid frame designs that are exclusive for this experience.
Set Up
An example of a photo space
Capture the Moment
An example of a photo that could be taken in the photo space
The End Result: Your Custom Polaroid
For a limited time, Polaroid would begin selling “develop” pins. These pins would be reminders for people to let things develop and see where life goes. Reminding them that sometimes the wait is worth it and the best things take time to develop
*NOTE: this work has not been commissioned or approved by the client.