Transition to Womanhood

Published In Spring 2023 Perception Issue
If rain is the tears of the clouds,
Why don’t we wonder why she weeps?
We say it’s normal. 
Maybe it’s just that season. 
That time. 
We use explanations to sum her up. To downplay her emotions. 
She feels pain in her stomach, and we simply call it thunder. 
We say that life must go on and it’s not an excuse. 
She gets angry. Who doesn’t? 
But when it’s her it’s called dramatic. 
Just another way to make each mystery more mysterious and each horror more horrid. 
Who knows who hurt her or who made her mad?
Society only says it messes with their plans. 
They just want her to be silent. To ignore her rage and just smile. 
She blends into the background sometimes. 
Ya know. Into the sky. 
Nobody cares to check in. 
Does anybody even realize when she isn’t there?
She shows herself. She opens up. 
And what exactly do we do for her? 


Indecision’s Frequent Dawning


Melancholy Gaze